Fundraising Activities

Support the aquarium by raising money to bring more than 8,000 ocean animals to Kansas City! Here are a few ideas for fundraisers that you can use as inspiration.

Know what you're competing for!

The two schools that raise the most money will win the opportunity to name an animal in the new aquarium. PLUS, any school that raises $250 or more gets a permanent plaque on an exterior panel near the aquarium. See what those plaques look like here.

Fundraiser Ideas

Fill the Tanks: Have students and staff bring in their spare change! Having a fish bowl or tank for the change helps as a visual aid to get them excited about filling their tank, and the ocean habitats in the new aquarium. You might even enlist nearby businesses to collect spare change, too!

Grow the Jelly: Start with a big jellyfish bell cut from construction paper, then start multiple paper chains from the bottom of the bell to visually represent every dollar raised. Kids will love seeing their jellyfish "tentacles" grow day by day! Consider selling the "links" of the paper chain and letting kids decorate the one they purchased.

Anti-Bake Sale: Students and their families are busy! Save them some time and effort with an anti-bake sale! Let them know that instead of having to make or buy anything, they can donate a small amount instead.

Spirit Week

Hosting a Spirit Day or Spirit Week is a great way to get students involved and excited about fundraising. Below are a few theme ideas to help you get started!

Nautical Nonsense Day: Dress as if you're headed to the beach (water wings, snorkel, beach hats)

Tropical Tourist Day: Imagine Tommy Bahama cargo shorts, big hats, and white patches on the face

Under the Sea Day: Dress like your favorite nautical character (Moana, Ariel, Luca, Finding Nemo/Dory, Fish Tales, Baby Shark)

Beach Bums Day: Pajama Day (because everyone loves PJ Day!)

Fishy Friday: Dress up like your favorite ocean animal (fish, shark, octopus, eel, etc.)

Get everyone involved

A fun and healthy competition can help keep everyone motivated! Have classrooms or grades compete to see who can raise the most money. Below is a list of simple activities you might use to reward the winning classes/grades within your school. All classroom donations can be combined for one schoolwide donation.

Teacher Timeout: The winning classroom/ grade level gets to put their teacher(s) in "time out!" For one class period/subject, the teacher has to sit at their desk in time out so no lessons for this time frame!

Pajama Day: The winning classroom/ grade level gets one day to be in pajamas while the rest of the school is dressed normally.

Pizza Party: The winning classroom/ grade level gets to have a pizza party in their classroom.

Movie: The winning classroom/ grade level gets to watch a movie for one class period/subject. Snacks not required but highly recommended (Goldfish crackers especially!) Movies might be sea-themed like "Oceans" by Disneynature or "Finding Nemo" by Disney.

Download the poster to help keep track of how much you've raised! There are two options: one for $250 (to earn a plaque!) and a blank one for setting your own goal. Click on the photo below.